Shah Samin Yasar
MERN Stack Developer

I'm Shah Samin Yasar, a MERN stack developer from Sylhet, Bangladesh, with 5+ years of experience. I specialize in building industry-level web apps using technologies like React, Next.js, Node.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL etc. Passionate about my work, I ensure high-quality solutions, having successfully developed projects for businesses, agencies, and educational institutions.
Got into tech stuffs through learning video editing and making YouTube videos.
Out of interest, made projects like Smart City Model, Bluetooth Controlled Car, Obstacle sensor etc. with Arduino.
Made apps using block based programming in MIT App Inventor.
Learnt Python and its various libraries like Pygame using which made some 2D games like space shooter, pong etc.
Learnt basic HTML CSS and JS from YT tutorials, later through a premium course.
Started learning and practicing advanced JavaScript and OOP.
Mastered JS through problem solving and building advanced web apps without any framework.
Got into problem solving with C. Took part in physical contests and won positions.
Got hired to develop a React based online portal system for an educational agency. Earned my first ever earning from this project.
Mastered React.js and Next.js through continuously building web applications following the industry standard.
Completed two more massive projects. One was an ecommerce store and another one was a school's online class management portal - all based on React.js.
Got hired to build online portal systems for a tech company.